Monday, March 24, 2014

Alopecia and Hair Replacement for African Americans

The men and black women appear to suffer a higher percentage of hair loss problems for a variety of other reasons , culturally specific . Hair replacement solutions for hair loss African American can be equally complex .
Each year , thousands of men and women of African descent struggle to solve the problems that have left them with receding hairlines and patchy balding spots . Many of these cases are due to hairdressing techniques that have become part of 2014 New African American Wigs, such as :

Traction alopecia - caused by braiding too tightly, the long-term use of corn rows or tight pig tails in her hair. This causes a constant pull on the hair root that eventually not only shows , but can cause scarring of the scalp.
The use of chemical relaxers containing lye ( the same ingredient used in products like Draino ) can actually cause chemical burns on the skin. Even the most relaxing natural use chemicals strong enough to cause a burn.
The use of hot combs or irons on the hair too close to the scalp , causing burns and scars.
Bleach- again, a harsh chemical not intended to come into contact with the delicate skin of the scalp.

What many people do not realize is that all these procedures can , if done improperly , cause permanent hair loss due to scarring of the scalp. Once hair follicles are scarred , there is no resurrection of them . That hair is gone forever. Hair regrowth products like Propecia and Minoxidil not grow back hair here . Hair replacement experts understand the emotional charge of this type of loss can have someone who is suffering from hair loss. This not only causes hair loss embarrassment , self-esteem can take a nose dive as well. Janelle , twenty four year old African American woman, he noticed his hair had begun to recede around the hairline . She had used pig tails as a child and as an adult, had begun chemically relaxing hair. To save money , decided to do it at home .

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