Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Wig Cap

I strongly advise you to buy with a "wig cap", a kind of hood mesh hole, but for the head. This is particularly ugly, make no mistake, but extremely convenient because it will flatten and keep your hair against your skull, just to avoid too large a thickness between your head and the cheap wigs.
You can find the wig caps for less than $ 5 in ebay shops, sometimes they are provided with the same wig. Personally, I advise you to take flesh color to go with clear and black wigs to go with dark wigs.

Well then we agree, should not have done Polytechnique to fuck a wig on his head, the first time I had just made a ponytail and put the thing over, vaguely through. It was average, but 2/3 shots it could still walk. But now that I have found this technique that allows me to do things better, it would be stupid to not make you enjoy
First you trouble your hair well, then you separate the two and you very tight braids to the end. If you can do braids "glued to the skull" how African braids, it's even better (but I do not know, so I do not). You fixed with two elastic bands.
You take the flat nose pliers, you do spend a braid behind your head, and you fixed behind the opposite ear. You do the same on the other side, you find yourself with a kind of crown braid at the back of the skull. Once the braids attached property, you turns elastic (unless they are all stuff ptits rubber, the kind you used to natter horses. These guys are tiny, you can keep) (but it's lunch hair).

You spend your hands in your wig cap, and you place it on your head FROM THE FRONT. So you put the elastic in the middle of your forehead, then you come in the stall at the back of the head so that it covers well all the little hair and braids.
Then you place the elastic behind the ears, you put your hands flat on your face and you draw back the wig cap to the root of your hair. Way, yen not exceeding, everything is pulled back and snug. And you especially the air con. The wig cap is not flattering, I know.

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